
Monday, May 24, 2010


We had a long overdue visit from Papa and Grandma Patty this weekend. Grandma Patty hadn't seen Anora since she was born. Her and Papa both graciously offered to stay in our room that night and take care of Anora. They saw that we were so exhausted from no sleep the previous night that there was no way we could have cared for her that first night. If they had not have stayed she would have had to have been put in the Nursery and been away from us the first night of her life. Thank you both so much for that you will never know how much that meant to me.

Anyway back to the visit. It really was nice to spend time with them. They live too far away to see them as much as we all would like but that just makes the times that we do all get together that much more special. Papa and Grandma Patty brought Anora her birthday gifts since they weren't able to make it in to town for her Birthday, they got snowed in. Anora loved the gifts from Papa and Grandma Patty. Thank you!
Sarah, Kielyn and Donovan came over to hang out with the fam. I miss them too. Donnie and Anora always have a good time together playing and Kielyn is so good with Anora they have some special bond. Poor Sarah, all she wants to do is scoop up Anora and hold her and love on her and Anora is such a poop she cries every time. I do belive Aunt Sarah got to hold her once or twice though.

Kielyn and Ray made the best batch of Chocolate Chip cookies while we all watched Avatar. That is a really good movie, long but good. I did laundry and hung around in my jammies all day. You can only do that with FAMILY.

We love you all and wish we could do it more often.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mothers Day 2010

Happy Mothers Day to all you momma's out there.

I had a wonderful Mothers Day. Daddy and Anora spoiled me and let me take a 3 hour nap. It was amazing. I got a Kindle bookreader from Anora and Daddy. Don't get much time to read books any more but have been reading alot on my phone lately while Anora is watching Sesame Street. I love the Kindle I think it is going to be used very much. I love the idea of not having to store the books until I read them or after I read them. Good job Daddy and Anora. I love you both so very much. Thank you again for a wonderful weekend.

Friday, May 7, 2010

My Little Helper

Anora has begun the helper stage and I must say I am loving it. Everyday when I come home she picks my shoes up from wherever Mommy decides to take them off and puts them in my shoe pile. Anyone who knows me, knows I always have a shoe pile going underneath my coffe table. Well unfortunately my "Tinker" must have cuahgt onto my bad habit and has realized that this is where the shoes go. She has also begun wiping her own face after meals. If you give her a wet papertowel and say wipe your mouth she does just that. Then when she is done she proceeds directly to the trash can opens it, and drops it right in. Which brings up the fact that the trash can is a locking trash can which she has figured out how to work and because of which we turn it towards the wall so that she can't open it (quite so readily). So it is really funny to watch; she has to go over to the trash can, turn it around, unlock it and then finally open it to throw away the papertowel. The other day when I came home for lunch I had an empty soda bottle in my hand and she was looking and pointing and whining so I gave it to her thinking she wanted it to play with and she went right over and proceeded with her throw it away routine. It was a proud moment for me. I had not even asked her to throw it away. She amazes me and her Daddy every single day with how much she understands. I am not saying she is a baby genius or anything, it is just that when they aren't yet able to vocalize all that they understand and suddenly they show you that they are understanding what you are saying and you had no expectation of that it is one of those wow memnts; for me anyway.