I came home last night to Daddy and Chef Anora making homemade pizza's for Tink. I have been having an awful time as of late getting the little one to eat much of anything lately and she just Loves Cheese Pizza as most kids do. However I can NOT eat the same thing night after night so I came up with the idea to try individual sized pizzas for Tink. We used cooked biscuits cut in half for the crust, pizza sauce and of course cheese for our oh so fanciful pizzas. Anora loved the idea that she got to help.
Stirring the sauce while the biscuits bake
Stirring the sauce while the biscuits bake
Still stirring and looking oh so cute.
Still stirring..... thanks to Aunt Sarah for the chef hat and
Aunt Tammy for the Apron
Aunt Tammy for the Apron
Finished product. Peeling off the cheese.
After all that hard work all she ate was the sauce.
I tell you I just can't figure the kid out. She loves cheese, she loves bread but only ate the sauce??? UGH!!!
Oh well I think she had a great time being able to help cook as she says. We love having her at the counter that is why we bought her the tower. We envisioned this very thing when we bought it. We both love being in the kitchen, Daddy cooks and I bake. Who knows maybe someday she will be the next great chef.