
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My Little Helper

Look at my little helper. I was in the middle of hanging up laundry when I ran out of hangers and had to run to the bedroom for some more hangers. When I returned there she was; my little helper pulling the clothes out of the dryer for me. She was so excited when she saw me. Almost as if to say "LOOK MOM!!! I'M HELPING!!!!" I can't believe all of the things she can do anymore I forget she is my shadow most of the time crawling around after me wherever I go. She is learning so quick.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Catching up

I am soooooo sorry I have not posted much on the blog in a looooong time. Mommy got sick with Pneumonia the middle of October and I am still fighting with it. I hope I get over this very very soon.

Oh my goodness how she has changed. Our little princess is crawling and into everything and all over the place. You can't hold her anymore and cuddle because she has more important things to do. Dang it!!! Mommy really misses her cuddle time. She will hardly slow down to eat her bottle and nap times are almost always a fight. Due to Mommies illness however, we have brought Anora into the family bed and we all seem to sleep the best there for now. Good thing we have a King size bed. Mommy, Daddy, Anora, Payton and Marshall all sleep there now. The boys are both so very good with her. They will lick her top to bottom if they get the chance and they tiptoe around her in the bed, it is so cute.
Anora's new found freedom has caught Mommy and Daddy off guard and I am not sure that we were ready for all the things she gets into that she shouldn't and all the stuff we needed to protect her from. That seems to be a fluid situation as she continues to explore her abilities and her environment. She is cruising along the sofa now and able to stand on her own for a few seconds at a time. It really won't be long before she is walking. She has already suffered many bruises and bumps and I am sure there are many more to come.
I miss my little snuggle bunny. Please Anora can Mommy just have the first bottle of the morning snuggle? I love that time with the 2 of us cuddled all together all nice and toasty with the sleep cobwebs just beginning to clear. Can you give that to Mommy at least for a few more months?

Monday, November 9, 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009

First Boo Boo

My little princess got her first official boo boo. She was playing by the coffee table and trying to pull herself up when she did a face plant into the side of the coffee table. I think she must have bit her lip. Grandma was home with her when it happened and I think Grandma was more traumatized than Anora. Grandma said it was a bleeder and that is probably what scared Grandma the most. It must look worse than it is I guess because after the first cry when it happened she has not seemed bothered by it what so ever. Maybe she is going to be a tough princess. Way to go Anora, Mommy is so proud of her tough little princess.

Friday, September 4, 2009

6 month shots

It was so very hard to take my Princess in to get her 6 months shots. I was so dreading it(Daddy has taken up to this point). I decided to dress her up so that she and I would not think about the bad thing that was soon to happen. Of course she was oogled over by all the nurses. Who could resist such an obviously adorable baby. She handled the shots very well, much better than mommy who was screaming on the inside but trying to be brave on the outside. She cried for the shots and when the mean lady handed her back to me she was done. I was so proud of how she did. So when I got back home after work and she was in a great mood and still dressed up I could not resist capturing the moment. Kiddos are so resilient. I bitched for days about my flu shot.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sitting up

I had a day off of work on Monday to spend with my little one and so we had a small photo session. Look at my big girl sitting up so pretty in her crib. I can't believe she is doing this already. I guess we need to lower her crib mattress already. It won't be long and she will be able to get herself into that sitting up position all on her own. sigh :(

Binky Binky Binky

Okay so there we all are hanging out in the living room one evening and Daddy and Anora are on the couch just chillin when he calls out in a giggle "oh my god, this is too cute. I think it is stuck." I laughed at her for a little while and said "your right it is stuck." So the 2 adults continued to laugh at her and she thinks that us laughing at her is just great so she is just smiling away with the binky stuck in her mouth. Raymond says "quick get the camera". I run for it knowing she is going to get it dislodged as soon as I get the camera ready. Luckily she didn't and I was able to catch this slightly blurred image. I hope you find it as funny as we did.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Anora Laughing

This is a video taken with my cheap old Razr phone so quality isn't all that great and not sure that the sound transfers either but I just couldn't resist giving it a try. I think the gist of it still comes across. She is laughing at her Mommy who discovered that my sneezing is sometimes funny to her. Of course I will wear something out if it makes my baby laugh so now the funny has worn off.

At the moment this is the only way I have to add video to my blog. Enjoy!

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Sunday, July 19, 2009

I came across this photo while we were working on Anora's room. We were using pictures of her so I was going through my back catalog of photos to fill the many frames we had purchased. I came across this one and fell in love all over again. I don't know why it escaped me the first time around but now it is my new favorite photo. She is four weeks old in this photo and she is laying on her Daddy's shoulder taking a snooze after he got home from work. Ugh!!! It sucks!! I just realized that these times are gone forever. You can never go back; but I have this awesome picture to remind me.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Work in progress

Took us long enough but we finally got stuff up on the walls in Princess Anora's room. The room just never felt finished to me and since she came 3 weeks early we never did seem to get time in our schedule to work on putting some of the final touches on her room. Well we were on vacation last week so we put that as our top priority and made a pretty good start anyway. I keep telling myself that that room is a work in progress as it will always be changing and evolving just like our little girl.


We have finally moved on to carrots and Anora does not seem to be to fond of them. She is such a good girl though, she just makes this yucky face and then opens up for more.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Baby's first teeth

Oh my goodness our Princess has not 1 but 2 teeth through and has for a couple of weeks now. She handled it like a trooper really. No changes to her sleeping patterns but she was a little cranky. Who can blame her though I am sure I would be hell to deal with. I am hoping she gets a little break before she cuts anymore but only time will tell.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Bathtime Fun

Smiling at her Daddy. One of the many looks
she will perfect to get all that her heart desires.
No Pictures Please! Geez the mamarazzi is always there with the camera.
Don't you just love the curls I'm rockin?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Milestones and Changes

Well we have a few more milestones under our belts. The Princess graced her mother with a few giggles while mom was home providing Anora with her daily lunch hour enterainment. She has not giggled since . I am intently trying for her to laugh while Daddy is around or if not while he is around then I am constantly whipping out my phone to catch it on video for him. This always distracts her and then I have no chance of getting her to laugh. I hope to get her giggling like crazy and capture it on video and post it soon. We also bought Anora a jumper/stationary play thinga ma jiggy and she loves it. I need to get some pictures posted of that too. She has also begun rolling from her back to her tummy just a bit. She stalls out on her side most times and eventually makes it to the belly but I am counting this. She has already master the tummy to back roll. It won't be long and she will be mobile. Ugh, I want her to grow up but I also don't want to lose my little baby.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

I HAD to buy a holiday bow for Miss Anora. I wanted a red white and blue bow for Memorial Day but had to settle for this combo instead. Isn't it just the cutest? I think this might be my new favorite bow. I just LOVE the little strings that hang from it (can you say froo-froo). Oh, but don't get Raymond started on the cost. It was a bit more than I wanted to spend but I told him she could wear it for the 4th of July too :D. Who is he foolin'??? He loves spoiling her just as much as I do.

Anora at 4 months

Hello and Welcome

I am going to try to create a space online so that all of our family and friends can keep up with our family. Now that we have Anora I think it is more important than ever to keep in touch with the people we love. I know we can't possibly see all of you all the time so I thought this would give you a place to come and check in on our doings and keep up with Anora's milestones and changes. We love you all and hope you keep checking in.